Potato, you need to close this off-topic discussion. Click on the wrench icon in your first post and hit close. That'll prevent people from talking about it.
Per the community rules, people (e.g. Duomath) can still report you and have it deleted because you're posting irrelevant stuff in a Japanese gaming community.
Now stop replying to this and go post in the Youtube community. If you keep this up, you can get banned. Not because you're bisexual, but because your stuff is not appropriate here. Only "Petitcom"-related topic goes here.
I like Knossos's little dance. Sometimes he'll attack for you, but most likely he won't. Think of him as a level 101 Pokemon of which you never will take full control.
日常会話で the rest / the rest of の形で使えますが、
(I'll work on my Ogiri entry for the rest of today = 私は今日のノコリ時間で大喜利応募作品にとりかかる)
ゲーム中の「残り50匹 / あと18秒」はrestを使わずLEFTを使います。(50 left / 18 s. left)
Restは、音ゲーやリズムゲーの「4つ休む」とかなら使えます。(Rest 4)
Also, I died when there were still 46 left! I suck at this game D:
You're free to post the key, the rules never restrict that and the Japanese have been posting their entries for the past 3 contests :)
I'll publicly release mine when I'm finished translating to Japanese - I only entered the English version.
Looks like a fun contest!
Too bad I didn't get to see this post the past few days since I've been busy finishing up my Ogiri entry.
Happy 2016 everyone!
A fun little game you have there! I like it :D
Maybe Uekou's talking about the "GEME" OVER misspelling (should be GAME).
Also I don't know why some of your Japanese Petitcom games like to use "REST" to mean "nokori", but the correct word is "LEFT". Rest can only mean "kyuukei" here. And it's best that you put the word at the end, as in "042 LEFT".
So I have the rest of today and tomorrow to polish up my work. Go me! The finish line is near!
And yes Harry, just send anything! The Japanese folks need competition from us!
Aww. Just fyi the deadline is Jan 3rd 6:59AM PST or 9:59AM EST (I've confirmed with Kobayashi, they even *may* extend for a few hours if the server's swarmed), and your submission doesn't have to be complicated - your OSTs would suffice. But it's up to you.
I have zero knowledge on MIDI so I'm just using someone else's copyleft work. Rwiiug made 110 cool tunes if anyone's interested.【52EEW8E】
I haven't watched Aimasu but I'll check it out later. A Happy New Year everyone! :D
Our name is "Ninja".
It is obviously our alias, but people call us that.
Now, let us tell you a story passed down from our ancestors.
About 300 years ago in 1716, a ninja group was formed.
While only three-man strong, it was nonetheless an elite group.
Those three tried to steal the enemy's information from a row house in the mountains, but the owner found them out...