SPCOL has additional attributes X,Y,W,H so change line 381 to
Assuming your heart's origin is the top-left corner, this code means "from the point of origin (0,0), draw a 2 by 2 hitbox and enable (=make true of) scaling so that if your heart grows big, so will the hitbox".
Its RAM is only 8MB so something THAT big will not run. Plus you can't possibly upload that. Remember, great SNES games were just 2MB, and GBA games 16MB. Let's be realistic here :)
Star Fox fans rejoice! Japanese creator SatoshiMcCloud just localized his award-winning PLANE2SOLID! Now you can fully enjoy the shmup AND the story! *coughreferencescough* [A3W4384E]
You're able to make almost ANYTHING. RPGs, 3D mazes, actions, puzzles, Smash Bros (more basic version of it of course)... you name it. However it does require constant learning. Beginners should start with text-based games or just simpler things like moving a character around, and then build on your knowledge base.
Or, you can just download and play people's games. Playing is learning too!
You need to set SPCOL to both sprites for SPHITSP to work.
So change lines 20 and 21 to this
That should do something, although whether that's what you want is another story.
(since "IF SOMETHING" is by default true, you don't really need the ==TRUE)
It's indeed ruthless in the later stages, so I resorted to cheating. Search for "STAGE TIME" and change 59 to 659. That gives you 10 extra seconds each stage, just what I needed. Larger number = more time.
It IS SmileBasic and people have been doing amazing things. For just $10 the possibilities are endless. Right now I'm most impressed about Calc84's Spooky Maze, almost Doom-like 3D awesomeness