SPSET 0,856
SPANIM 0,"I",30,856,30,857,30,858,1
Just know that these two lines make a cat walk.
0 is the sprite's ID (you need to assign each sprite an ID starting from zero)
"I" probably stands for sprite index but I'm not sure.
30 means to switch display every 30/60 seconds (or 0.5 sec)
856, 857, 858 are for the cat's different sprites
1 loops this animation infinitely.
I still consider myself a beginner so I'd suggest that you create a discussion thread, in case I don't know and the others can answer or add to / correct mine.
GPUTCHR only allows X,Y. So in the next line, put
(Range can be from -256 to 1024 while the default is 0. I suggest using a positive number since making it pop out hurts my eyes. I prefer it "deep" than "pop out".)
PRINT only gives you original size so forget about it.
Try this line instead:
GPUTCHR 110,100,"EXAMPLE",3,4,RGB(255,140,0)
You'll see EXAMPLE displayed at coordinates (110,100) roughly the center of the top screen, at 3 times the normal width, 4 times the normal height, in orange. You can omit the RGB part if you just want white, but note that this is the fastest way to get orange text.
Try something like this. If you press UP, it'll print a corresponding message. The VSYNC 1 is important because SmileBasic is so fast, you don't want it to flood you with the printed messages. I leave you to compare BUTTON() with BUTTON(3). Finally the green text below the diamonds is a simpler code that does the exact same thing.
Depends on what you want to do. Right now you haven't fed in any instructions on what it should do when a button is pressed. So if I were SmileBasic and you pressed A, I would read your line 9 then go to line 25 and 26, which tells me to go back to line 3 where your loop is. I'd be doing 9->25->26->3->9->25->26->9... infinitely WITHOUT showing any work. The result is nothing but a blank screen.
lol, not bad for a beginner's project! Let me show you a trick: try the DIALOG command between the green lines. It'll bring up the simple keyboard for public keys and filesaves so you don't have to worry about upper/lower cases!
I respectfully disagree. They nixed the TALK function in the English version which probably took out one of the only advantages over this 3D one. The 256-byte string limitation is gone, you can use user DEF, 4 program slots, more powerful SPANIM, etcetera etcetera times 100... these improvements make SmileBasic far more superior and better than MKII.
Yep, super-skilled people actually write codes that can fit in just one screen in WIDTH 16 mode. They're called QSPs (quarter-screen programs) in contrast to regular OSPs (one-screen programs).
What I did in one of my localization projects (Mage's EZ SPANIM) was to show speed as "60/#". So 60/12 is naturally faster than 60/30 (whatever the unit was supposed to be :P). You can program in the division math to make the speed display more intuitive.