Download my game and see the code for example. (GKNJPRINT is just a customized command for LOCATE and PRINT or GPUTCHR.)
(Line 62)
This line checks if the save file is present(1) or absent(0). If true, it LOADs the file and save it to the array SVFILE. You have to DIM the array first of course.
(Line 242,392,552)
These lines writes a number to the array and save as DAT to be loaded later.
My method is to PRINT "Press A to start" and if the player presses A, it just progress to the new screen with ACLS, FADE, XSCREEN 3, whatever.
Then let the game check if there's a save file (CHKFILE) and if so, PRINT "Press Y to load" and if the player presses Y, use the LOAD command.
You of course need to learn the SAVE/LOAD command and either the TXT or DAT type of save file.
No, SS is the highest rank (it's in the code).
Note that the "S" and "SS" sprites have different widths.
And what Cody said. You have to find Master Bones first.
This game also won the 4th Ogiri Contest Hakase's Award! Congratulations Rwiiug!
Sandwich you forgot to attach the key which you should in a review though.
This game has won the Ogiri Open Category Grand Prize, congratulations PUWATTO-X!
This is the 10th time I posted this key by the way.
Chad eric, this guy's trying to figure out how to make the perfect "K" in his title, and here you are bothering him about a key... for what? For his logo? And this is a Japanese community. Don't come here expecting them to understand your English.
@PIKA RYAN: I don't take requests as I have my own plan and schedule regarding which games to work on. I'm more interested to know about YOUR progress in THIS game!
@Deku Link: Did you read the white piece of paper on the table in your screenshot? The 4-digit is written in plain sight. Only question is: can you SEE it? ;)
@SıмΞоп and PIKA RYAN
L+R makes your immediate surroundings semi-transparent for clearer view. Otherwise your character might get hidden by trees and you can't see where you are. It's just a visual effect.
Anyway this is an ongoing game (there will be an Act 3) so I won't download this until it's completed. Expert translators know that every line could be a foreshadowing so it's best to wait.
Elijah, hope you're just trolling about mori no chizu being Morry's Cheese. I don't have plans for this game, but that's a terrible mistranslation and people would believe that.
It's Forest Map, for realz.
This is how the touch screen looks like. There's a save feature, a flag or "marking" feature, item descriptions, and the map. Note that even the descriptions and the map itself may be your clue.
Enjoy! [DSENV344]
This game starts with a tutorial on the basic controls. Then it's up to you to investigate and find clues like this screenshot, and figure out what it means. Sometimes you have to crack a code too. Can you make it to the exit?
[DSENV344] (Creator: Villit. Translator: L.)
Releasing a new game from the land of the rising sun - Escape the Office!
If you've never heard of the "escape the room" genre, basically you're locked inside a room/building, and you have to collect clues, solve puzzles, and use items to escape. Why not try this out as your first experience in this genre? Who knows, you may get addicted to it!