You can set Z coordinate with the fourth argument of BGOFS.
But, parallax 3D view of SmileBASIC is not so deep in the first place.
I recommend you to scroll front layer faster than back layer.
I'm sorry to make you worried for my complex program. I cannot attach screenshot here because of region lock. I'd like to show you my tiny program stuff instead. Could you download [4BE45EQE] and refer to "EX_SPOT" and "EX_FIREFLY"?
And please download it asap because I'll keep it on the cloud server temporarily.
Of course yes.
I guess SmileBASIC is one of the easiest programming languages. Further, there are many experienced users in this community, so that you can ask them and resolve your problem even if you get stuck on programmimg.
Isn't it available for you that a lot of dots put by GPSET at random as follows?
FOR I=0 TO 255
GPSET RND(400),RND(240),RGB(255,C,C,C)