Y33NQ54S : Wandering In The Maze
VKAKV3ZP : Car Racing Game
KENXDWQV : Billiards Like Game
DSEEX3QJ : Ninja Kite Racing Game
DEEE33Q4 : Simplified Golf Game
SPJ3RD includes various experimental programs.
Let's try!
Of course yes.
NEDX43CJ can download project HNZPJ0, it includes various kinds of programs. However, some of them need additional purchase DLC in order to execute. Currently, as far as I know, only Advanced Sound Processing Unit is available in US.
CACQ33L4 : Aircraft Landing Simulator
JEE3V3NE : Vertical Scroller Rapid Sword Action
L4DXQ384 : "Simon Says" like game (depend on Japanese)
#SPADD allows it.
ACLS:GPAGE 0,4:GFILL 0,0,63,63,0:GCIRCLE 32,32,31,#WHITE:GPAINT 32,32,#WHITE:FOR I=0 TO 2:SPSET I,0,0,64,64,1 OR #SPADD:SPHOME I,32,32:SPCOLOR I,RGB(96,255,255,255):NEXT I:A=0:R=0:D=1
WHILE TRUE:VSYNC 1:FOR I=0 TO 2:X=R*COS(A+2*I*PI()/3):Y=R*SIN(A+2*I*PI()/3):SPOFS I,X+200,Y+120,0:NEXT I:R=R+D:D=D*((ABS(R)<=100)-(ABS(R)>100)):A=A+1/32:A=A-2*PI()*(A>=(2*PI())):WEND
You gave me three questions as follows.
#1: how to load maps without any error
#2: how to move sprites with circle pad
#3: how to detect collision between BG and sprite
If you can expose your whole current project temporarily, I'll try analyzing and correcting your program. But please don't expect excessively that I respond quickly to you.
I never knew that. I believed that "can" is just equal to "be able to" and the one can be replaced with the other.
Thank you very much for your instruction.
In any case, we cannot eat sand.