You must key in a 9-DIGIT string from A to I. If your picture is correct, you must enter "325146987", and not something like "DBAECFIHG" like some players did somehow.
So you did break the B22 curse Oscar! My best formal run is "Got AofN but Killed by Troll at B19F". I was so, so Trolled.
I find using Wand of Confusion / Hypnotize Mon to make a monster block the hallway (and thus other monsters) helps a lot. And don't be too afraid to use the accursed Ring of Teleportation.
Japanese creator Neko800 made this game and yours truly translated it.
Hey Taka, you could've made two more tracks using your title theme and the instructions theme! I'll propose a translation after you added more tracks.
Ah, welcome to the final boss. 99% of players couldn't make it alive without additional hints.
A hint of "Look back to your journey" is already given. So what have you done in this game?
You collected 7 items! "1 3 7 4 2 5 6" must mean your inventory and each of their position. So 1 is the key you found in locker room. Which picture represents the locker room and the item's position? Your turn.
To clarify, flarn2006 means your "IF...NUMB9A=27 AND NUMB9B=13" should be IF...NUMB9A==27 AND NUMB9B==13. The "THEN NUMB9A=23:NUMB9B=13" part is fine.
Always think "IF something EQUALS something, THEN let something BE something." EQUALS is ==, BE is =.
I also don't know what the #UP part is. What happens in your game when we press UP, and when we don't?
There can only be 4 BG layers shared by both top and bottom screen, but your XSCREEN 3,128,"4" assigns all 4 layers to the top screen and none for touch screen. Any BGFILL in DISPLAY 1 will automatically error.
Do XSCREEN 3,128,3 (thus leaving one layer for touch screen) and adjust your FOR accordingly.
"Shift one key to the left on a QWERTY keyboard".
Look at your computer keyboard or the in-game keypad screen.
"WSX" becomes "QAZ" if shifted one key to the left.
Now, reread memo B.
My Android calculator shows "1.23456790E+16" instead, prompting us to interpret it as 12345679000000000.
12345678987654321 (actual)
12345678987654320 (SB)
12345679000000000 (Android)
SB is much, much closer!