lol dat bad lip reading meme
Since the "can" in "You can eat sand young man" is imperative/instructional rather than ability, a more natural way to say it is
砂を食べるがよい。 Or more vulgarly,
Damn shame kids in both the English Smilebasic and Japanese Petitcom communities only yammer about unoriginal stuff like Minecraft and Mario. Think original, oi!
What LegoMaster said. Your "524416" is just file size in bytes. A key is in big orange font and has numbers and letters (in geek speak, alphanumeric characters), see screenshot.
Hey Shuhei, because I came to this community and commented here, you did the same. Cool!
"Should" also means はず, so I meant to say "じゅうぶんに簡単なはずだ."
Go to Prize Shack and earn some Herb/Weapon prizes (train your dynamic vision), and maybe invest in a Potion. Get a Booster Shot for either attack or defense too.