You shouldn't translate (or modify, really) someone else's program without their explicit permission. Ask before you act.
And no, it doesn't make a difference if he's Japanese.
Feel free to ask me if you need help with anything. I'm not one to change up other people's code, but I can explain almost anything you want if you need help.
Well, I've spent tons of time in projects I've never uploaded and have no intention to upload. I've got my reasons, none copyright-related. If they were related to that, however, it'd give me further reason not to upload it. It's important to follow the rules; it will prevent the community from getting restrictions, and will prevent SmileBoom from taking down the SB servers, for now.
There's no need to spam every post with the same question. I've already answered to you in your discussion post.
Can't wait for a release! Say, how would you best describe POLYGON as a game?
If you mean to say that you've overwritten your project, SmileBASIC keeps a backup for your most recently worked on file. I believe it's called BACKUP.PRG or something similar. Try to look for it in your project folder.
Make another counter, and only increment M when this other counter reaches a specified certain amount. If you're working with frames (WAIT/VSYNC) you could count each frame. If you are working with unlocked speeds or MILLISEC then you could count time passed.
Separately uploading sprite sheets with copyrighted stuff in it may still get the sprite sheets taken down. Just make sure the program falls under fair use or is classified as a parody work and it shouldn't have copyright issues, maybe. (In other words, don't just recreate Smash gameplay/characters/moves. Make it unique!)
You can create music with these instruments with MML.
SmileBASIC includes a basic guide for MML if you type MML in the editor and press the help button. You might want to use an MML tracker to write complex songs much more easily.
There is a way! You can use the CHR$ function to get an ASCII/UTF character through its numerical ID. You can get the numerical ID of any character with the ASC function. The value for A is 65, and the rest of the letters all have consecutive values (E.g.: B is 66, C is 67, etc.), which means you can do something like this...
FOR I=0 TO 9
? CHR$(65+I)