In my opinion, the reason why does this phenomenon occur is that "A" button hysteresis remains. Don't you use "button()" before "input"? Please try to insert codes as follows before "input".
Let's try "VKAKV3ZP".
This is simple racing game similar to ancient NES games.
A button as throttle and B button as brake. While you select manual transmission mode, press R B
button to gear up and L button to gear down. For steering control, press "left" or "right" of direction keypad.
I'm sorry for lack of explanation."PLANE2SOLID" is not public key but title of the game. Correct public key is "K4KVPRP". What worries me is that almost all instruction description of this game will be written in Japanese.
Thank you very much for playing this game.
Unfortunately, my potential is not enough to make a game like Star Fox yet. However I have ever seen such kind of game made by Japanese SmileBASIC user (not me). In my opinion, you can find it with keyword "PLANE2SOLID" in the Internet.
You can find radar map on the right side of view, and reset buttons and enemy robots are indicated as yellow/red dots.
Press "up" of direction keypad to progress in the maze, and press "left" or "right" of direction keypad to rotate on the spot.
You are in the inorganic maze nobody know who has constructed. The time bomb will explode 200 seconds after if you fail to reset timer. And to make matters worse, the enemy robots are on patrol to capture you. You have to reset timer before explosion. In order to reset timer, you have to step on 10 reset buttons on a floor of the maze.