@Aiden NN, I might do that in 1.2, but because of all the skins having their own sprite sheets, it would take a while to copy and therefore delay the update. Thank you though, and I thought the same thing ;)
Jackson, please try this fighting game I have been experimenting with. I believe their is some potential in it, and I think it needs a creative mind like yours to help it :)
KEY-[ 73A84JR6 ]
Hey, Rakar, thank you for your input. I intend to put a manual with the full version (press up on the d-pad to reload the flamethrower. The tnt I may change, or I'll think of something else. The hit boxes, I hope are okay, right now I am having trouble with the alien bosses hitbox, it is very off for some reason and I don't know how to fix it. Thank you, and how do you like the dragon boss, you...