So, what I am guessing is that you must have a clearing command of some sort like ACLS. I tried the spcolor command in a program of mine and it stayed the same color the whole time. so I am guessing it must have a clear in there somewhere and if you don't know how to keep the same color after a clear try making the color code a variable. I think this explains it? tell me if so :)
Staff thing added as a weapon in the game it has a 5 attack damage. (beware though, when you fire it, you control it with the control stick leaving you standing still and open to attack)
You could make the program load a new sprite sheet with the slime colored different in each or I believe you can use the spcolor command at different areas in your code (tell me if this helps).
And yes, I am a Christian :)
Yah, I am pretty sure I got it under control now. (one way to trigger that glitch with a 100% chance is to slide down a wall with your sword down and hit the boss, it will trigger it) what happens is it doesn't change my wall friction variable eaqual to 0 when you hit him. thats why it happens.
If you choose the jetpack in the game, when you go into the boss in the top left of the bottom screen, i added a fuel bar for it. just to make you use your fuel wisely. (if you land, the fuel will begin to regenerate)