It's a fairly good piece of code. you have to do something like if you press the L button then a variable is equal to 1. then if that variable is equal to one it makes the arrows Y location stay the same but the X location is increased each tick. then once the arrows X location is like 400 greater than the characters X location when fired the variable at the beginning is equal to 0 setting up the
Wall grind lets you slide down walls slowly and lets you jump off of walls. As for a code, this update thing is not complete yet, but you can find my old version a post or two down my play journal :)
!BOSS FIGHT! this is a little game, I have been messing around with lately. I plan to make a huge game like this in the future, but to hold you guys off I am releasing this mini-boss fight. The game is less that 100 lines and super fun! Key in the screenshot attached to this post.