I'll get screenshots and code in soon. I really really like my code. But it has a 1 in 359 chance of crashing because of a divide by zero, because of math.
I'm going to make a player-centered camera for this.
more than an hour for 31 lines of code...
what am i doing with my life...
anyways, it works. I finally did the math right after it all went over my head over and over again.
Game plan for me (this is so i can gather my thoughts):
Create back wall
Create randomized side walls and record line angles
Get sprite
Main loop
Get sprite position
Controls, change variables to not truely move sprite
Find line intersections with new positions
If hitting, don't move sprite, else move sprite
You could try to get the angle of the line and then get the Z value of the aprite and get the intersection of the two lines, then not let the sprite past that point