I successfully wrote the color inersion function! The only issue is, it has a brief delay. I don't think there's a way to fix it... No, I'm not using WAIT or VSYNC.
Ok, NOW I've restored the menu box I forgot to save. I'll be writing a color-inversion program to replace the inverted-button sprites. Finally, development can REALLY continue! Sorry for taking so long!
Maybe, I'm not sure because I've already planned my next two games after this project. Not going to say a lot about them though so as to not announce games far before they're done, but their names are Imitary and Battle of Kingdoms :)
Doing some work on Polygon's menu box again, looking good so far I think. In the end it will be scaled by 2 in the program, to save sprite sheet space. What are your thoughts on this design?
Currently adding some more sprites to the sheet :) So far there's a new 'retry' and 'main menu' button, and the submenu (game over, confirmation, custom spawn, etc.) box is in progress.
Sorry for not posting updates for Polygon in a while, development has been kind of slow with school and stuff :/ Anyways I finished planning out all of the necessary characters and sprites, so I just need to create them and then main game work can get done! :)
They probably just weren't paid much attention to. I heard someone published the Super Mario Bros. 3 theme and it got taken down pretty quick. Just be careful with that sort of thing.
Wow, it's been a while! I really should be working on this more, I love coding :) Anyways, I haven't done much with Polygon yet - I just finished upsizing a menu box for specifying custom enemy spawn. However, it still wasn't large enough for its purpose, so I had to use SPSCALE. Problem is, I can't find a 1.5-ish parameter that doesn't 'blur' or mess up the original texture...
Does transparency with BG not work or something? I've got the dark area on this box set with BGCOLOR 1,RGB(0,255,255,255) [Yes it's on layer 1] and it still shows up completely... Anyone know what to do?
Finally! It took me forever to come up with a design for this that I liked! This is going to be a box in Polygon that drops down as a pause menu, custom spawn screen, etc. I was going to use a plain, transparent, dark graphic box, but GRP doesn't handle transparency as well.