Okay, for those of you who are looking into making things bounce off walls, track a player, or move at the same speed to a new location everytime, I've published all three of my AI tests in one project! The key is V3D333R4.
Well, they are only a bunch of testing programs I'm using to get the AI for some enemies in Polygon right. I plan on releasing the Polygon game, but not these projects. Are you asking out of interest in how I did them? If so, I could put them out so you can view the source file and learn my tricks! :P
And with that, the third and final Polygon AI test is complete! This one picks a random location, and moves with a velocity of 2 towards that location! Once again, all displayed values are in the same place as the other AI tests, and the blue trail is where the diamond has been.
Because, in Polygon, you need to move swiftly to evade your enemies! With the circle pad, I could make you go extremely fast, but then it would be hard to control. It's much easier to be able to move directly to the stylus, and have choice-speed control.
LOL, my second AI test turned into a game of "Run from the ice cream cone!"! Anyways, more trigonometry done here - this AI tracks the player and proceeds towards you! The green trail is where it has been, and all the displayed values are the same as those for the bowling ball.
Just doing some AI tests for enemies in Polygon - it seems to run fairly smoothly! The first and second values displayed are, respectively, the X and Y coordinates of the bowling ball, while the third is the angle that it is travelling at. The red trail is where it has been.
Yeah, it's just that you can only publish up to ten, and there is also a memory limit. You get an additional 90 slots to publish programs to the server as well as a memory boost if you get Gold Membership.
Okay, my Analog Clock program should be available for download now! The key is RKEJX63. I will not keep it on the server forever, so download it... while supplies last! :)
I could... I'm just not sure, because I do not have Gold Membership, and I already have three projects that are MUCH larger planned for publishing. If you want to check it out though, I could look into putting it out for a time. And thanks for the support!
As a bit of trigonometry practice, I programmed a fully functional graphic-drawn analog clock! I used to do trigonometry wrong here in SmileBASIC, I thought it would take your arguments for sine, cosine, and tangent as degree values... finally, I discovered I needed radian values! That would be why my Polygon AIs aren't working...