I did not have Internet for a time, so it has been a while... but I have been working hard at Polygon, and I am near programming the main game! I just need to get my trigonometry right for the AI of enemy Polygons...
Definitely! Especially where you can quickly find the effects of a command simply by pressing the question button, even providing examples. When I learned to use the older Petit Computer, I read the entire manual OVER AND OVER - but SmileBASIC can define what your commands do right away. Also, try looking through the source code of the samples, and defining what's going on.
I am about to run out of battery, but here is a sneak peek at the first project I will be working on! [Or the sprites at least.] Do please understand it may take some time to complete Polygon because of the trigonometry it will require.
It takes time to learn (for me, around six months!) but once you get the hang of it, you could create perfection in a day's work! This language is easy. I'm working with the C language now, and that I find A LOT more difficult. If you commit yourself to learning it, no, it's not hard! Just be patient with it.
I used Petit Computer prior to SmileBASIC's release, so I had next to no trouble starting my first game! However, I feel I may be doing this a bit inefficiently... I am attempting to make the title ease in and slam down, in a similar fashion to the way the title does in a Steam game called The Bastion... not sure what to do!