I wish you could just share it w/me. Personally I don't like censoring my games, even if it means not sharing them. But if you really want to share it you should tone it down. Also, never be explicit just for the sake of being explicit.
Developing damage roll formulas for my new top-down rpg. If anyone is curious this seems like a very effective statistical outcome. You can alter the distribution ranges by changing the sides on a die and how many rolls. The hard part is figuring out how to implement player stats into the formula. I'm thinking attack rating can effect the sides of one die per point.?
Ah! I knew about using bit-wise operators in Java, but I didn't think about using them in Basic..Doh! Also that parenthesis part for button input is perfect thankyou! Oddly enough I got it working with AND in a nested IF statement.
Oops, the screenshot should have this code after the button push IF: IF X==21 AND Y==12 THEN INC KEY1. Combining all of that into one statement didn't work either.
What is the best way to detect the player position during a button push. My logic seems right but why isn't this working? It's like it's not even registering the button.