Easy, just use a global variable. Initialize it once in the beginning.Like MONEY=10:POTIONS=0. In your shop loop just do this IF MONEY>=3 THEN INC POTIONS; MONEY=MONEY-3;WAIT 5 after selecting item.
Yep, also start w/simple and small scope projects. Rpg's will help you learn choice/battle/menu logic, where games like pong will help you learn movement/platforming logic.
If you can't take reasonable advice then don't get offended. No need to resort to name calling. Oscar is right, good luck finding people to make a game you want. No one said coding was easy, take the time and dedication to learn it.
It's a question, just too broad of one. You want step-by-step on creating a game? That would be pages long, just keep practicing you can figure it out. Ask speciific questions when you get stuck.
Its okay dude it is a lot, but it's not as hard as it seems. Don't give up, use the code i showed you and experiment with how it reacts. Dimension only really makes sense when there is more than 1. Dont worry about 2-dimensional arrays until you understand basic 1-dim arrays.
Arrays are useful because of their flexibility, they are very useful in FOR loops. Because we can use the loop variable to iterate over the entire array: FOR i=0 TO 9
DIM is short for dimension. so , DIM list[10] creates a variable (which is an array) called list. Array indexing starts at 0, so the first reference is list[0] and the last is list[9]. Each index can hold a value. You can add or remove elements from the array, increasing or decreasing the total amount too.
Hey everyone! In my game the player interacts with computer terminals. These are pretty basic and I've made one VERY simple puzzle. Any ideas for good puzzles? Nothing extremely complicated to code please.
Your question is very vague. What exactly do you want to code? AI? that can get complex very quickly. Basically just math for their behavior. And, just don't publish games w/copyright content and you'll be fine. You can make them for fun though.