Hmm, not sure I fully understand, Ill have to check that out. Strangely enough I got accel working, but only when I push UP? I swear the code looks exactly the same for each direction. It's changed a bit from SS.
Can anyone help, or know how to implement acceleration/decel? I feel like this would almost work, but I cant figure out how to make your position keep going after letting go of button w/SPOFS!?
I haven't got that far yet, and not sure if this helps its a bit obvious, and simple. But I think to start: IF BUTTON AND #A THEN GOTO @jump. REPEAT Y=Y+1 UNTIL Y==#. Might work?
Well, you learn by practice and dedication. I know I wanted to have all the answers right away but it takes time,start simple and follow the examples in the manual. Dont just read, do them too.
Having fun with animation! If anyone is interested I have a pretty simple demo here which forgoes the SPANIM function. I'll upload if anyone wants it. Its a bullet explosion btw.
Yeah the manual says you can use the tool to make adjustments to animation data. I'm guessing its a more physical approach rather than dealing with numbers. But yea I don't get how it works either.