Haha no, no that would take way too much time I just used petit modem
Google petit modem and it's the first result the petit modem key is NKX3KE13 but you also need 2 programs on a computer, convert the image into .PZG then transfer it to the 3DS through sound
Hm I will definitely look into it, haha that would be really fun to make
The one big issue I see would be determining the angle that a rocket will thrust the rocket body by, if a rocket is all the way to the left of the body, the rocket body will tilt right... but by how much each frame? To build this you would need knowledge of rigid body physics (lots of math)
That sounds fun, I've got experience with parsing engines, which could help you
You should consider building it around a SmileBASIC OS, so you could open a command prompt window and start scripting all within your 3DS
If it makes you feel better the code in the screenshot follows some weird code guidelines, and isnt documented well, and they made their own wait DEF... sheesh whoever made that really knows what they're doing,
Hey well when you get to college and choose to take a computer science route, you'll be making code like that in your dreams, without even trying
It's just the coding syntax that's scary
J3KNY3RF contains a rocket program which will simulate a rocket, it moves sprites, uses loops, arrays, buttons, circle pad, and has a particle system
it was designed to teach the basics in a slightly advanced situation
You really got a strong vision of this game, think about your idea, but only being limited to 25-30 triangles per frame, for about 20 frames per second
It's a fair trade-off, course with your game idea, 6 or so triangles per enemy, they add up real fast, to make your game idea, and with regular graphics, each frame would take over a minute to render
You should consider Android game development
Wow very impressive, very very impressive, if you need an expression reader that uses order of operations to get the answer then I can help, use the Shunting Yard Algorithm to convert it into reverse polish notation, which will remove the need for parentheses making complex equations easy to calculate
Let's say
VAR BOXX2=450,BOXY2=190
You can draw the box with
And say variables X and Y are the coordinates of your object, every time you change the objects position, afterwards run this code:
Also DereK is much more clever of a name