Wow very impressive, very very impressive, if you need an expression reader that uses order of operations to get the answer then I can help, use the Shunting Yard Algorithm to convert it into reverse polish notation, which will remove the need for parentheses making complex equations easy to calculate
Alright, all menus and features finished except for function entry. (Maybe I should've finished that first…) Function entry will have an advanced mode, where you will be able to directly edit slot 2.
I use custom functions in the second slot to store equations. Should I just make a custom keyboard for function setting?
V360Calc progress - Added Deg/Rad switch to settings, polished the advanced editor, added a loading screen, and added < and > functions! (Colors OR together when they overlap)
V360Calc progress - I'm making functions look nicer in the default editor! (POW(a,b)→a^b) Also, I now have plans to add a "Math" menu that calculates things!