I want to do a collab for a fps game on SmileBASIC. I want to develop one that has CP's and maps and such. Something like a mix of TF2 Gamemode concepts and Doom Gameplay. The game shouldn't be anything more powerful than Doom. For this I will provide the textures and someone will have to code it. Any help will do! A .dat file name TEXTURES1 will be the first textures. Thanks.
---For Developers---
An explaination of how Doom is played.
Most everything a modern fps has is the same in Doom. It has a sophisticated yet visually-compelling stat bar at the bottom of the screen that shows Armour and Health percentage, shows an ammo count, and a neat border around all that. The main playscreen looks like a modern HDTV screen, but that is because of the stat bar.
---For Developers---
The next and last explaination of how Doom is played is gameplay mechanics. You can jump, but not high. (The jump mechaninc may be incorperated into the final game but with higher or lower jump depending on class choice.) Then you have the normal HP, Ammo and Armour refill/upgrade boxes. In TF2, there are refill boxes that replenish HP and Ammo.
---For Developers---
I would like to incorporate the refill boxes, a team respawn area, and the ability to carry more than 1 usable item. In Doom, you could carry 1 gun, and 3 other items (that you couldn't use) and that was it. In TF2, you can carry 3 different weapons, a gun, a sub, and a melee. And maybe another item relating to the game mode.
---For Developers---
In Doom, the only way to get other guns was to find them on the map. I would like to incorperate finding guns for new guns in this fps. Ok. Review. HP, Armour, and Ammo crates. Refill boxes at spawn, Team Spawn Rooms, Other bots as opponents, Carry 3 weapons, different gamemodes, find guns for new guns, and jumping. Back to Doom features.
---For Developers---
The aiming mechanic in Doom is kindof infamous. To aim, lining up the gun was all that mattered. No being on the same height, you couldn't even look up. So to say, you could be on the floor, the enemy at the ceiling, and you be lined up and kill the enemy. Wooh, that was an explaination to end all explainations. A nutshell explaination will be provided.
You really got a strong vision of this game, think about your idea, but only being limited to 25-30 triangles per frame, for about 20 frames per second
It's a fair trade-off, course with your game idea, 6 or so triangles per enemy, they add up real fast, to make your game idea, and with regular graphics, each frame would take over a minute to render
You should consider Android game development