so just keep learning, anything you don't know or want to learn, learn it, although I still mostly don't understand bgget.. (lol) I know other stuff,
so heres a tip, if you get stuck on one thing, don't stick to it, or you will get caught and killed by the evil monsters called.. fedupwithbeingstuckononeproblem!
ask on miiverse (or sbs) for help, but move on to anything elso you know you can do.
you don't just learn to code by asking, you must test, trial and error, more trial and error and yes more trial and error, I used to be a poor and helpless nubby coder.. but then I got bored of SB and played terraria for about 2 weeks.. then subwars.. then other stuff..
eventually about a month later I came back and started just testing with a bunch of stuff and it was really awesome.
Well.. I first got SmileBasic in December 2016 so I've had it roughly 6 months, but my knowledge did take a while to learn, I had much help from many users, like PChicken, hanzo, Simeon and many others.
but that's just a cover up.. I was gifted knowledge by the great coding demi-(decent)-god, he gave it to me as a gift for helping him do.. uhh.. something.. yeah..
but in all realness..
ok! so sprite collision is easy-ish
so for every sprite you want to collide with you put SPCOL (management number)
like SPCOL 0
(spcol makes it "watch" the sprite)
do this for every sprite you want to collide with, lets say you want 2 sprites hitting eachother, do SPCOL 0:SPCOL 1
then you would use SPHITSP, this is for when you are making them hit, so it would be like
IF SPHITSP (0,1) THEN (stuff)
strange, when i chop down trees the trees leafs an indent (looks like a shadow) in the spot where it was, at first i thought it was shadows but i realised it was just where it was (as im still testing with chopping them down)
anyways, still open to ideas.