Look up WAVSET and WAVSETA. I don't have much experience using them, so I can't tell you much about them. However, I do know you can use them to define sounds sourced from a string or data array (wave).
I'm surprised more people like tap jump than not. I feel that having 'jump' mapped to a button instead of a stick increases overall control. It's definitely my way to play Smash!
Despues de haber definido detalles abstractos como la perspectiva podemos empezar a trabajar en el código del juego.
Empezaríamos con los sprites: cómo crearlos, ponerlos en el juego y modificarlos o moverlos.
Espero a que respondas con una decisión u opinión sobre la perspectiva.
Perdón por la tardanza.
Primero tendríamos que decidir algunos detalles finos del juego. Principalmente, la perspectiva.
Como espero puedas ver en la imagen (perdona mi falta de habilidad artística), hice un sprite simple de un carro con una perspectiva 2D. También podríamos tener una perspectiva de vista aérea, etc.
Yo estoy disponible de vez en cuando por si tienes alguna duda acerca de SmileBASIC. No es por orgullo, pero diría que tengo bastante experiencia con SB. Estoy dispuesto a enseñarte a usar todos los comandos que ocupes. Talvez no pueda enseñarte absolutamente todo, pero siempre puedo intentar ayudar.
Si tienes alguna pregunta, no dudes en dejar un mensaje aquí.
You can use MML definition number 274, which corresponds to BEEP's synth bass. Supposedly, every MML number after 255 corresponds to BEEP sound effects. I'm not sure if this holds true for every sound effect, but some do, like the aforementioned snyth bass.
You can (and have to) use :, but X and Y are valued way beyond the accepted values for the console screen. Try changing X=190:Y=129 to smaller values like X=10:Y=5.
Just be aware that the games you are able to make depend entirely on your developing skills. Making anything relatively complex requires serious effort and skill. There are no included tutorials on how to make a game or how to program. However, there are learning resources for SmileBASIC and you can always ask for help here.
To give you an idea of the specifications of SmileBASIC, it's processing power feels a bit lower than that of the SNES. You can use up to 8MB of RAM. Storage is unlimited, although uploads are limited to 8MB per project, I think.
However, even with all these limitations, you are able to create a huge variety of amazing games and programs. I definitely recommend it.
It seems you didn't download the English version of the program. You can find the original post for the English version here:
The key is <C33KEP3F>.
The English version updates the UI. Just be aware that the help menu for the program is still in Japanese. However, it is wholly unnecessary to fully experience the program.
I think you need to change the 19s on lines 95 and 97 to MAPH%-1 and MAPW%-1 respectively. This will limit the amount of READs done.
So instead of...
...write this...
What Clayton decides to do with his game is his decision. He is not required to include or acknowledge any of your work and therefore credit you for it. After all, the developer has the final word about this kind of decision.
And if you have the sprites, you could use them in one of your own projects, anyways.
The game is Oogiri Yongou by Konimiru Katsuragi. It is one of the winning entries of the fourth SmileBASIC Ogiri contest.
The key is <K4XX343>.
You can find more Ogiri entries at this page...
If you want to keep the highscore, remember to check if the new score is better than the kept score. (When the game ends, make sure to validate if Score>Highscore.) This is what I said in my comment about 12 replacing 60.
You should increment the amount of jewels per play instead of replacing the previous amount. What I mean is, if you collect 60 jewels in a play, then collect 12 in the next one, the 60 get replaced by the 12 instead of increasing them to 72.
I suggest erasing MONEY=0 in line 45 to change this.
Also, some sort of shop system would be nice. :D