this is a helpful thing that changes those annoying things in the top (top buttom screen buttons)
to helpful code things like printing ENDIF and AND and (gosh thats cool, if you get it) IF, and i made one that starts a program for you by putting ACLS, XSCREEN 2, a while wend loop a VSYNC and starting x/y variables!
i personally think this will be helpful for me and wanted to show you.
ok so I found the most annoying thing I have ever heard..
after you die when you respawn it keeps both songs going and it sounds soooo bad, though easily fixed with a bgmstop.
so I got the collision right (just was asking you to make sure), but I cant figure out how to hide the sprite or clear it.. do you know how I can do this?
yeah, though if I were you I would call it an early beta version.
though updating a demo is like adding to it, I think demo is more of a finished version until full release.
doesn't really matter, going to try this later...