A function for getting the fractional part of a number, much how FLOOR() can obtain the integer part of a number (and was effectively a stand-in of the old BASIC INT() telling from the manual). FRAC() or something, name it something that makes sense.
I keep seeing the word "offensive" thrown around, so I thought I'd clarify something: nowhere does it say SmileBoom can remove content deemed crude or offensive, unless someone reports it. That doesn't mean it won't happen, but they aren't the kind of company to deal in underhanded business like that. It's not something we should worry about.
SmileBASIC has around 8MB of accessible heap memory. IIRC only arrays and strings occupy the heap, the rest occupies the stack, which is 128KB. So there's your lot for memory.
If you need to write data out of memory, you need not write to disk immediately. Each GRP page is effectively an extra 512KB memory page. You could store in that assuming you appropriately convert your data to 2-byte colors.
pirate: Yep, Nintendo tried to kill SELECT. START and it do the same thing (with VERY few exceptions, supposedly devs can get access to it) and only exist as backwards-compatibility. Ever notice how most games assign functions to face buttons instead of START and SELECT? This is why.
SmileBASIC ints are 32-bit signed, two's compliment. 1-byte ints would be worthless. Doubles are just regular doubles like you would see in any computer.
Shy Guy: A standard GRP is 512x512 pixels. When saved to disk, each pixel is encoded as two bytes. We want to find the size of 60 of these, correct? Thus, the equation 512*512*2*60 gives us the number of bytes. Divide by 1 million to get MB.