The title pretty much sums it up, how do I use SPANIM for something like when up is pushed on the circle-pad, it animates the sprite on screen?
I realize that I ask a lot of questions...
Can someone help me with SPANIM? I'm trying to mess around with it to try and understand it, but it just doesn't make sense. All I know is if I follow the example, it moves the sprite in a weird way, and if i switch xy with uv, it goes crazy.
I think I can help you with that.
What I usually do is put,
"SPCOL management number" right after I use SPSET.
To detect the collision between the sprites, you put,
"IF SPHITSP(First SP number, second SP number) THEN what ever you want to happen.
Ok, I'll do that.
I'll just set the grown sprite boundaries as something to fix in an "update" of the game. It's really slowing my progress of the game, so I'll work on it later.