I present to you: The Night variation! Everything is more darker and enemy shadows will react to your point light as screen shows!
Also, more gameplay tweaks. The most important is that enemies only have a limited time of life.
For the night i reduce the color of very specific things (like some sprites and BG) to darken them, so it won't affect literally anything like FADE does.
Also, the light is a circle sprite with additive attribute (#SPADD) and alpha channel set to minimun. Additive synthesis lighten the scenario rather than replacing the scenario with his own colors (default sprite behavior)
Yep. I do some small tweaks to it so it can be consistent with the sprite's movement. Also, on night scenarios it would look like this screenshot. However, only the player will be a lightsource and not the projectiles. To avoid heavy use of proccesing power.
Since the Europe community is relative new, i bet most users have doubts or too many questions about programming on SmileBASIC, so i made this topic.
Here you can make a question for people to respond, or just share a neat trick that saves valuable time. If you have a doubt, please don't flood the forum with too many topics.
Also, to avoid doing weird stuff and trying to adapt the old code to the new changes, all the code is being written from scratch, taking the old code into consideration.
And i forgot to mention one last thing in the OP:
- Dynamic scenarios are a thing! (Day-Night / Moveable background...)
Quick tech-demo i made. It looks like bunch of cut paper, but to show two things:
1.- Shadows are accurate
2.- Enemies will not "glue" to you unlike the first game, instead, they bounce off, so you can attack them
3.- It can handle more enemies on-screen unlike the first game, since the first game switched screens back and forth. Everything here will be on the top screen to archieve more speed.
Small announcement to say that i'm working on a REMAKE of my very first "complete" minigame: Food Splatterhouse.
Features (most are planned, but i'm done with the setup):
- Improved overall presentation
- Improved gameplay balance
- Different game modes (Arcade, Endless, Free and Suicide)
- Shop to buy skins for enemies, game modes, music and scenarios
- Archievements
I'll start:
- A very oversighted feature for sprites is the #SPADD attribute. Is useful if you want to make shiny sprites like fire.
- You can manipulate the graphics pages (including sprites and BG pages) by using code alone. Set GPAGE to the page you want to manipulate.
- You can check the manual offline (part of it). Just locate the cursor over a command and touch the "?" button.
That doesn't exist because:
1.- Copyright issues
2.- SmileBASIC is, well, SmileBASIC
3.- People realize that, instead of making a full IDE for making an RPG, making functions and small frameworks is way better.
BTW, there's a copycat of F-ZERO called F-NEKO. Good racing game, but you can't really appreciate the map because it looks pixelated as hell.
Trust us: You don't really want Mode7 for full games.
1.- When you're writting, you will notice a list of commands on the touch screen. Touch the command you want to write and will autofill.
2.- Locate the cursor over a command and tap the "?" on the touch screen to see the explanation of the command. This is way more useful than consulting the Manual Reference if you want to clear doubts quickly.
World generation is hard, depending on how advanced you want to get. If you want a simple terrain where you have only 2 types of terrain, that's pretty simple. But if you want like 30 types of terrains with caves and such, i have bad news...
SmileBASIC's collisions are, well, pretty basic. Problematic if you want to make specific stuff, but is okay for most purposes.
Also, the way i set it up enemy logic was doing a loop checking if specific IDs are being used. If used, i extract his position and do the calculations based on that. By the look of your code, you're trying to change the position of the enemy based on the analog stick?
Buttons are read by using BUTTON() instruction. BUTTON returns what button is being pressed (aside from START and SELECT).
I strongly recommend you three things:
1.- Toying around with the example program
2.- Read the instruction manual (http://smilebasic.com/en/reference/)
3.- Tap the "?" button on the touchscreen when you're writting a command to see more information and examples.
For people who don't know programming:
You can enjoy some minigames, full games (on some cases) and variety of apps the community made for free (and you can make your own if you know programming). Also, you can check their code and learn from them.
Thing is that you need a key (code) to download them. You can ask for keys here, like this picture of a BETA game i made.