The code in the attached screenshot shows how to detect touches on the touch screen.
Help can be accessed by positioning your cursor on a SmileBasic command then tapping the [?] button near the upper right corner of the touch screen.
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There are GOTO commands between each IF statement, so only the first IF can be reached.
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(sorry, I missed that extra "IF" in your code, first time around)
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change "AND IF D=5" to "AND D==5"
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Your variable, T, is a number. TIMES$ is a string. Changing T to T$ will make your variable into a string and solve the problem. (You should also do the same to the line below it.)
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Think about DATA as defining a read-only file that's build into your program. Use the READ command to read the data. Use RESTORE to point to the beginning of the data that you want to read.
DATA "zombie", 45
DATA "skeleton", 64
DIM A$,B ' name & move speed
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What's the error message you're getting?
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doh! I remember what the "FALSE" is for now. Sorry about that.
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Try changing the "0" in the statement: "DIM MAP[0]" to the size of the data in the file.
Also, why is there a "FALSE" on the end of the "LOAD" function?
Hint: if you place your cursor on a keyword, then tap the [?] near the upper right, help for that command will appear. Use the slide button thingy to the left of the screen to navigate in the help.
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SPOFS can be used to read the sprite's location. Sample code in screenshot.
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The Start button (nor the Select button) can't be read in a SmileBasic program.
The other buttons' numbers have constants assigned to them. Some examples: #A, #UP, #LEFT. If you use the constants, your code will be more readable.
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Use the SPANIM command with the "XY" parameter.
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Hmm... interesting. So, maybe it's not a bug; it's a feature?
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Here's another sample code of the string reference problem that ĦHarry wrote about.
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I believe all the array commands like that work only on 1-dimensional arrays.
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It's not mine. Here's the key. The menu is in Japanese, but it's fairly easy to figure out the controls.
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