Hey download this key I made it because you might like it
The code might be something nice to study
You can have it and develop on top of it if you'd like
Basically it's a infinitely generating map that you can explore
And the code takes advantage of some important SmileBASIC features
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SmileBASIC runs faster without a variable after NEXT
And % after a variable means that that variable is specifically an array
You use it if you want to make a function that takes an array as it's parameter
You should try making a game!
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Create a definition
Then, in the game, you could just spawn a bunch of pedestrians as the game world loads
0そうだね プレイ済み
Yeah because
PRINT "Harry's room"[4]
Output "y" the 5th letter
By popularity, everyone uses i/I for FOR loops, to represent Iterator
1そうだね プレイ済み
Then R$[2] would be equal to "Harry's Room"
To get the 5th letter of the 3rd item:
PRINT R$[2][4]
Output: "y"
0そうだね プレイ済み
The array R (or hotel room, or whatever) can only store one number each
However, if you replaced R with R$
That means it is an array of strings
Then in the DATA you could do
DATA "Bob's room", "Bill's room", "Harry's room", "empty", "another empty room"
0そうだね プレイ済み
X is just a useless variable
But inside the FOR loop it is the counter to know when to stop looping
X=0, X=1, X=2, X=3, X=4
That NEXT X is the exact same as NEXT. Adding the X just makes it 'easier to read' but I think that's bs
You used X as the FOR loop incrementer, but by convention, i is always used first, then j, then k, and so on
0そうだね プレイ済み
^ And actually in that example
The FOR loop makes:
And for each value of I, it runs whatever is inside the loop, in this case it runs
all the way to
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In this example, we put 100 digits of pi into an array
Then because its in an array we can easily get any value of it
DIGITS[0] is the first number
DIGITS[79] is the 80th number
DIGITS[99] is the 100th number
DIGITS[100] will give you an error because there arent 101 numbers
1そうだね プレイ済み
Not really
RESTORE always always comes before READ, READ simply puts whatever value is next into whatever variable you want. If the variable wasnt created with VAR/DIM, it will create it automatically
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This is probably the simplest example of DATA, READ, RESTORE
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If you learn assembly, especially MIPS assembly, which is so low level that you can convert it into 1s and 0s by hand, the user of data, read, and restore is very heavily used. The reason it exists in BASIC is because of how easy it is to convert it back into assembly so it can run.
DATA is just user defined data, a faster way to fill up an array with manual numbers/strings rather than generated
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I would buy a WiiU just to use BIG
But I think it is region locked to only work on Japanese WiiU's.
2そうだね 未プレイ
iii dooo
But I doubt anybody remembers me either... o well
1そうだね プレイ済み
Holy cow that's a big list
You should put them all into an app that manages them
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