Hey guys! The Endless War has changed a lot(including its name)! I have released to many demos, so, don't consider it that. This, friends, is the Beta Testing Center. Please take the key, and all I ask in return is feedback. Thank You!
I could help! I'm good with map loading, map making, SPDEF, and coding. I can help with making good textboxes, too. I am very bad at composing music, though. What should I be?
Sadly, and annoyingly, The Endless War seems to already be an Elder Scrolls game. I know what you're thinking. No, it's not cancelled. But, the title will be changed. Please give any title suggestions that DO NOT already exist. Thanks.
I see your concern, and I am planning to start learning Unity (or something) for Nintendo 3DS. The eShop game won't be made with the BASIC language. I'll probably have to annoyingly translate evvvveeeerrrrythhhhing to unity. I have an application form, so, yeah! It'll take awhile LOL. Just a thought.
Hey guys! Just want to let you know that The Endless War is still in progress! I (finally) have the ENTIRE story laid out! Release is getting closer and closer!
(And by the way, you maaaaay see this on the Nintendo eshop in 2018. I'm working on applying for Nintendo's 3RD PARTY development group! [This is one of my planned projects] But of course, lucky for you guys, you'll be getting it free!
Help Wanted!
For The Endless War, I had came up with a way to make a party-thing, where the characters all follow you, just like Earthbound. I was wondering if anybody could improve it. Earthbound uses a thing where it like... repeats the leader of the group's steps. Please help me improve this!