I don't know, I just thought it'd be respectful because you helped A LOT! I'm not very professional at coding. I was also wondering how I could do that. I was thinking using GFILL, but I don't think GFILL can go diagonally. I could make a map, and reposition the lones to fit it, but that'd take a while. Oh well, whatever works.
I understand. I guess it would be your own game then. But could you at least tell me why the code isn't working? I got rid of the random number thing and put my own. But now when I move my character around only the x-coordinates move and not the y. He also won't stop when he hits my line. Whats wrong with my code?
I know this is probably SUPER annoying for you, but could you take my key and implement what you did on my engine? I'm not a mathematician, and I am completely and utterly AMAZED of what you did. It's awesome! (you'll get credit [if you help {more than u already have}])
Working on a 3D-ish engine. It's REALLY simple using SPOFS and SPSCALE. I made the back wall, but I have NO idea on how I could make the diagonal side walls. (What I mean is, if the sprite were to walk up to the wall, they stop moving. I know things like IF X<23 THEN X=23.) How do I make diagonal collision? Any ideas?
Does anybody (I'm sure someone does,) know how to make a scene where the screen is black except in a small circle? I tried using a giant SPSCALEed sprite, but it looked bad. Is there another way?