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Sorry for the delay (again). I had to go do my job. Anyhow, here's the basic setup.

Try something like this:
FOR I=0 to 9
SPOFS I,I*16,0
This should display ten sprites in the top left corner of the screen.
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Sorry for the delay. I usually use data to load the map instead of loading the map directly. I'll show you an example.
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It's an application that allows the user to transfer files through audio.
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• Plug in the white splitter into the 3DS.
• Connect the audio output of the splitter to the microphone input on the back of the computer and set the setting to "Mic.".
• Connect the microphone input of the splitter to the audio output on the front of the computer and set it to "Headphones.".
• Reset the 3DS
• Victory
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At that point I was very disappointed about the situation. I then tried to get it to work on my parents computer (with their permission). I went through every single combination of splitter orientation, settings, and audio cable order. I eventually came across a possible setup.
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Sure! It all started when I wanted to transfer images to SB so I could have a visual plot in my upcoming game Soul Shift. With the help of some people on SBS, I purchased the materials I needed and set them up on my laptop, but I simply couldn't get the devices to communicate. I also tried on my 2-in-1 but that failed as well.
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Sorry, I don't think I have the code anymore...
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When I was a kid I saw a game on the app store called "Petit Computer". I purchased the app because I thought it would be fun to "make games". After a year or so of figuring out new commands my friend showed me SmileBASIC. You can probably guess what happened from there.
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After about two and a half hours of trial and error I'm finally able to use PetitModem!

If you like 3D modeling then I would suggest downloading Blender. It's a free, easy to use, 3D modeling program for PC.
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