A reference guide to an upcoming minimalistic language compiler(This is just the starting point), note that the program automatically is in strict mode and clears the screen with ACLS

Opps, I got V mixed up w/ 4 @ the end:
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I forgot, sorry, I should be banned for this...
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Just a POC of MailBASIC(SnailBASIC was already taken, RIP) key: 52DNH3DJ

Got bored... Made a compiler for a random language I'm making

Jewel Version was released a while ago, so might as well give it to Miiverse now, if you want to know what's new in 0.1.7 read the changelog.
What's new in version
-MATE start menu
-Supports custom desktop background images
-Bugzz are fixed
What do you want in 0.1.8, comment below(pls also report bugzzz).

@12Me21, welp, it's time for me to bring out my n3DS then :P
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@12Me21, I am playing around with this and can you tell me, can you render ceilings or floors w/ this engine?(I saw what you did in Mine, but that's not what I'm talking about)
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Yes... ^(Remaining Posts for Today 2) can y- *banned*(jk)
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@Cory, maybe you should get familiar with SmileBASIC before you get familiar with this.
@12Me21, maybe a resource on SmileBASIC Source would be nice on a tutorial on how to use this engine; I'm interested
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robs your money ;) , nah, it's actually just a high quality wav playback thing
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(ummm, Derptias, I'm sure lots of people are :/)
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*cough*Free WAV Player Version 4*cough* *cough*DLC*cough* man, I must have a terrible cold :P
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Under the image onscreen is a streched out sprite, it kind of malforms strangely ;)
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I don't recommend using the stock one, but I forget the key to the alternative I use(I mean the graphic editor btw)
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This will only save arrays, not single variables ;)
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well..... there seems to be a bug w/ spscale :/
