I might literally release Jewel Version 0.1.6 tonight actually :). Just trying to figure out why .WAV files won't appear, then I'll be good to go, some features may not be in until Ver. 0.1.7 :P
Maybe you should start with Win1.0, it isn't a stack-like OS(notice how you can stack Windows on top of Windows), instead it works with the applications being tiles. Windows 10 is also too powerful for the o3DS/n3DS(my PC has 4gb, and it doesn't even keep up with memory most of the time). If you don't know Win1.0 looks or works, it's on WinWorldPc(VMs) and you can try it online: PCJS.org
Arrested, ha, you've got it all wrong. He was just told to C&D all production/publication of the application, and he must've as soon as he got the letter. RIP FNAFSB created by HylianHoundoom ;)
And another thing too, I've finally put WAV file support on Jewel, just make sure not to make it ".WAV" at the end but just "WAV", that's going to be temporary. :P More info at SBS because I'll release that in half an hour
@12Me21 That isn't the case, I just haven't released a beta for this yet. I'm still working on stuff(Yeah, I need to rebuild things since I formatted my 3DS :P; good thing I have server backups)