Well this is unfortunate. WHERE DID YOUR ROCK GO! Somehow while trying to make the game a little smoother, I disabled enemy attacks that use a seperate sprite. I had big plans for that rock too.

Can I interest you in a lifetime supply of Array Literals?

Minecraft for the 3DS
I've looked everywhere, but I can't find a SmileBASIC version of Minecraft. Has one been made yet?
6そうだね プレイ済み
Just tne descriptions of hats on blobby world ;)

Has anyone found a polygon editor tool

Like blender,Maya,3dsmax for smile basic

Beware of a wolf in sheep's clothing. Chicken Puncher 2.
zctypc rec dmuj.

Hm. Screenwrapping. How nice.

good ol' error 404 made with my paint application, I might post the key or just the code, its pretty basic and kinda tough to use.

Snake OS v0.2 beta is out.
update features:
new loading screen.
this is NOT a large update and is not required

#012 Butterfree~ Height: 3'07" Weight: 70.5 lbs. Type(s): Bug and Flying- The Butterfly Pokemon | In battle, it flaps its wings at high speeds to release highly toxic dust into the air.

Ultra Ball ~ Japanese Name Translation: Hyper Ball- ITEM- Buy Price:1200. Sell Price:600 | ×2 Capture Rate
(Click my name for more daily Pokemon info!)

how do i make it so the map moves when i use the dpad
i know stick
but what about dpad ;)

#011 Metapod~ Height: 2'04" Weight: 21.8 lbs. Type(s): Bug- The Cocoon Pokemon | This Pokemon is vulnerable to attack while its shell is soft, exposing its weak and tender body.

#010 Caterpie~ Height: 1'00" Weight: 6.4 lbs. Type(s): Bug- The Worm Pokemon | Its short feet are tipped with suction pads that enable it to tirelessly climb slopes and walls.

#100 Voltorb~ Height: 1'08" Weight: 22.9 lbs. Type(s): Electric- The Ball Pokemon | Usually found in power plants. Easily mistaken for a Poke Ball, they have zapped many people.

I got text to flash different colors! The bottom text is flashing different colors.

can some one please tell me how to load custom map i need it to finish my game

3D smiley p.s some one tell me how to load custom maps

If you have trouble on depth, look at this and yeah it.

Phew! Implimenting medals as achievements.

I'm still working on "All Alone" and I can't wait for the publication of sixteen of my new games, and applications!

I love looking at all the stuff you guys make, but I also hate you all because you're all so much better at it then me.

Snake OS version 0.3 BETA is finally out. new features:
●calender option on main menu

My goodness, you know How long it tOok to make this? Finally, you can file your forM to movE into your new home! Making gameS is almosT As gReat as Trigonometry.

ok made test module to help me with color converting on objects in my game, here a door in my dark times game, it done by code, still thinking if i will make it a sprite...

This is only the beginning of my new project, a mega man fan game!

Good morning! What a beautiful sunrise there is! This was all computer generated for my new side-project, Home. It's a game where you get your first house and can do all sorts of things to earn money, and do tons of things with money.
