I'm sorry I don't understand what do you want to know exactly, but I guess you want to avoid moving a sprite continuously.
If so, the method is very easy. Could you refer to the attached photo? If you write "(0)" instead of "(2)" in line 8, a sprite will move continuously as long as you press A button.
What I really want is to adjust the position. I want it to go right when the button is pressed, not to simply set the position to something else. Relative position setting.
I added that with the management number if the car and it did what I wanted! If only I knew what the code meant, then it would be more useful. And when it starts, even though I used SPOFS on it before to put it where I wanted, this seems to bring it back to the very top of the screen again. I wanted it to start at X10, Y20.
I posted a screenshot. Also, I think I'll want the car to move a little further when the button is pressed.
Thank you for trying to help me. I don't understand why getting a sprite to move bit by bit in response to a button press should be to difficult.
It is very difficult for me to tell you how to compose a music, just I can tell you is how to choose instrument for 8-BIT sound.
Choose instrument @144-@150(square waves with various duty ratio) or @151(noise).
Thank you, that's all I wanted to know. Making music with BGMPLAY is like, the second thing I learned in SmileBASIC. I just didn't know how to pick an 8-BIT sound for it.