Ok, I decide to put the team color on the outline of some sprites because it looks better than tinting it.
By the way, anyone know how to handle colors on an array created with gsave(16-bit)? I ask because using gspoit and gpset is slow...
Put this on your code(Replace FILENAME with your title screen)
If you want to load your image on the top and bottom screen, then use:
There are various options:
1.If you use width 16, then the text from the console will become bigger.
2.You can put text on background. By default, if you put bgput 0,0,ASC("A") then it will put A on the tile 0,0. You can write a function that display a string on the background using the function above a "for"
3. GPUTCHR X,Y,"Something": This will "draw" text on the screen. This is the slowest
Yeah, but I haven't seen it for a while and I didn't expected to see it because I removed the key from the cloud.
Anyway, you can do whatever you want with that code. Keep in mind that this could have some bugs if it used smilebasic custom compiler(I don't remember if I used that compiler on the example, but be careful)
I'm still decompiling the code. I already separated all the modules from the source code but now I need to convert them to lowerdash.
From 35 modules, I have converted 5 of them.
I tried to incorporate some ideas from advance wars. Then I discovered rune wars... so I'm going to make it like Makai Kingdom (It's like disgaea but there are buildings that give buffs) and the battles will be like Half minute hero (When two entities battle, the sprites will clash on the top screen.)
The ship use too much space. Try to make it smaller.
Also, use an entity pool for the enemy. Right now you're spawning the same enemy each time it dies.
This program is not mine but I use it to put fonts.
The program is in japanese but there are some variables at the top of the code to change the language to english.
There are a lot of fonts and it comes with a sample that explains how to put them in your game.
Also, you can set effects and gradiants on them.
-If you have plans to add enemies or active entities in the future, then you shouldn't use WAIT to handle the punch. That will pause the entire game.
I will upload the code later.
Well, I found a lot of issues:
-From here, if you're creating the same kind of entity(Tree in this case), then use an array to store them and their properties.
-You don't need to do SPOFS in the loop if the tree aren't moving. Remember that the camera do that stuff for you.
-SPHIT only work if the Sprite is visible. When you're using SPHITSP, the hitbox is already hidden.
mmm... that doesn't fix it. You only set the center point to the point (8,8)
I made a clone of the battle system from undertale and discovered that issue with the collision. Here is the key: VENXE33J. Try to collide with the spears.
From my experience, SPHITSP doesn't work well when a rotation have been applied to a sprite. If your ship doesn't rotate, then you can use SPHITSP.
Protip: SPHITSP(SPRITE1) always return the first that overlap SPRITE1, but SPHITSP() return the rest.
You can do something like this: