Looks great! I hope you finish soon. I'm struggling with feature-itis right now.
Use semi-colon when printing on the last line to prevent scrolling. Or maybe just try printing it one line higher then use SCROLL to scroll it downwards.
You know, I have all these macros. If I can read color index on touch screen and call the corresponding macro, it can be an interactive thing! Who wouldn't want that? \(^u^)/
Spoke too soon. Macro (I)mplementation done. It took just four lines. Testing took longer than coding! Use "I" command+macro#, followed by the contents of the macro.
Added Scaling Factor and Expand(Relative scaling) commands. I guess I keep adding features on it. I'd better stop here or else there'd be a full featured macro and data loading implemented!
Here's the help screen. The effective resolution is 100 pixels Height and Width, although the JUMP command can multiply it for higher resolution. 16 pallette colors including 0 (transparent). No error checking, so make sure the string is correct: a command character followed by 2 digits.
I don't have problem editing the code. :p It certainly is rather cumbersome to do. I think a good GUI for this is a good project to do. But that can wait until later. ;)
Finally implemented that Bezier curve drawing function! I've been wanting to do that. I also made some more modification to the Turtle Graphic program. It's faster, has button/timer function, and text drawing capability. Ah, feature creep. What can I say?
Anyway, it's ready for GrabBag upload. I'll throw in Maze and Room Generator, as well. Anything else you want in there also? Just ask!
I added a few more things. It sure is convenient when I finally added Loop and Macro. The Macro is especially easy to add, thanks to SmileBasic DEF command characteristics, enabling easy recursion!
One more thing to add, then it'll be ready for GrabBag.
Start simple. Start with one screen programs, and ask any question you may have. I started with Rock-Paper-Scissors, but you may want to start with Head Or Tail!
Here is the available commands. This is designed for internal use for another program. Alas, I may end up designing another drawing routine entirely. Seeing as this as over 100 line program, I may as well release it for public use. Who knows? Maybe it will help you do cool graphics!
Here is how to use the command. Looks messy, doesn't it? You can use string array as macro system. The command works by taking the first character followed by 2 digits. Repeat until the string is empty. No error checking. Sorry.
Let me know if you want to use it. I'll upload it somewhere as GRABBAG or something.
Turtle Graphic. I've been working on this Turtle Graphic program with Area Fill. Looks good. I put it into DEF, but having trouble USEing from another slot. So, so far, just copy and paste program. I kind of skip the SHOW/HIDE TURTLE function. :p