Here's the gameplay screen sprites for Chain Reaction. This is a puzzle game based on lock and key. This takes the puzzle element of Puzzle Fighter into place.
Here's the gameplay sprites for Toon Fighters. This game will have film reels, Broadway fonts, stuff like that. This game is inspired by skullgirls after all.
I need help making a decision on which game to make first. That's where you come in! Vote for a game, which ever one gets the most votes will be made first and the voters of the winning game will be put in the Special Thanks part of the credits. The voting will end in 3 days, so make your vote!
I feel like I have a million ideas popping out. Now I have another game idea! Rakugaki Brawlers. (Rakugaki is a Japanese word meaning sketch, doodle, drawing, etc.) I can't make all at once. Too much for me. I'll have to work on one and save the rest for later. Which of these games should I make first?
Here is a screenshot of a demo for the new petit smash game. This demo allows you to play against up to 3 ai players. But you're stuck with one character. But hey, at least you'll get to try it before the main release.