(continuation) the various screen commands.
I hope this helps you!
1そうだね プレイ済み
Hi, Robbie:
With graphic design, do you mean drawing circles and squares or like the actual drawing part of the program?
If it's just drawinng circles and stuff, use the commands that start with G's. (Gline, GPUTCHR, GTRI,...)
If you are looking for the paint-thingy, I think the instruction manual has something about that in either the graphics section or the section where it talks about (co
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By the way, in my post, you may have seen a person named Jaxon. He is doing some cool stuff (Like a Tetris game, high score system included)
So, if you're looking for some ideas or just some fun stuff, I'd go see some of his posts.
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Your welcome! I'll try and post some more things that I'm learning as I can.
Happy programming!
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Ummm. I don't know what that is. Could you please explain? Maybe then I can answer. Thanks!
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(contiuation) and look at what your working on. If you have questions, I'll help to the best of my ability.
You can do it!
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Hi, Seth!
I know EXACTLY how you feel. But don't give up! Learning this takes time, but there are tons of people who are willing to help you! Please check my posts on animation, I put a few resources at the bottom of the discussion post. In the other post, you can download my program that has the animation explanation and an explanation.
Finally, if you don't mind, I'll follow you(continued)
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Pienso este videojuego parece muy divertído. Podemos jugar, por favor?
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Hi, Robbie:
My name is Caesar. If you just got the smileBASIC app, I suggest going to the website and reading the stuff that is on there.
Also, If you look at my posts I made an animation explanation post(discussion post). At the bottom, I put some resources for another person. Maybe that will help. Enjoy programming!
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High Score:14990 (about)
Reached level 3
Hi, Jaxon!
Great update! The game is really fun. Good luck with your programming!
0そうだね プレイ済み
Thanks, Jaxon! Looking forward to this!
0そうだね プレイ済み
Thanks! Looking forward to it. I would help, but I don't know enough yet. Hope it works out!
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Hi, Jaxon:
This program sounds cool. Will you be publishing it?
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Hi, Pirate! Thanks for the help! The only problem is I don't know how the DATA command works. Could you please explain it to me? I'd really appreciate it.
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Hi, Jaxon!
I tried your game. It was really fun!
At first, I wasn't sure how to play (haven't played Tetris much). Then my sister comes along, (cracks knuckles), and gets a score of 200.
After that, I understood how to play. Really enjoyed it. Keep up the great programs!
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