Hi, everyone!
If you're looking for tutorials to start you out, games to inspire you, or more smileBASIC programmers to help you, head to smilebasicsource.com!
This is a great place I found the link for in a discussion post. Hope you enjoy!
(Sorry for the random screenshot. Needed something.)
Hi, everyone!
I'm still working on this program that uses button controls. I decided to make it into a game where you have to catch the fish 5 times.
I've gotten to the point where if you get the fish 5 times, you win. I want to put some text in the bottom right corner that tells you how many fishes you've caught using the GPUTCHR command. But, it doesn't show up. Can someone please help me?
Hi, everyone!
I'm working on a program which is pretty much a collection of things I'm learning right now (buuton controls, simple simple AI movement, and background).
I'm encountering a problem.
When I press the R button the cat will change sprite images an leap in that direction.The problem is that there is this "black hole" that appears every time. To confuse matters further, (cont)
Hi, everyone!
I need some help with a program that makes a cat move around a screen using the + pad.
I want the cat to animate (or change the image slow enough) to make it look like its walking.
The picture shows part of the code. How would I get the cat to look like its walking while moving up?
Thank you!
(Special thanks to Zag for the program he made which helped me get this one started.
Hi, everyone!
I've seen the DATA command everywhere. It looks useful, but I don't know how to use it. Can someone please help me?
Also, I'd like to learn how to use and load BG. I made a BG with the smiletool, but I can't figure out how to load it. Please teach me!
Thank you so much everyone!
Hi, dveryone!
I'm learning how to move sprites with the STICK OUT X, Y command. I can move one sprite image around the screen. But here is a problem I'm having.
What I want to accomplish is that when I move the stick left (right, up, down) the sprite will turn in that direction. But I don't know how. Can someone please help me out please?
(The picture is what I have so far.)
My name is Caesar. I've been doing smileBASIC for a while and I would like to learn button controls.
The problem is I don't know where to start. Could someone please teach me?
Thank you! I appreciate any help I can get.
A Dialogue about Dialogs
Hi, Everyone!
I just learned about dialogs a little while ago. I wanted to share what I learned with everyone. So, I made this example program with an explanation included.
The program is called DIALOG_EXPLAIN. It's in the STUFF_EXPLAIN folder. Unless if you want me to publish them individually, I'll put my explanation programs in there.
Animation Explanation 2.0
Hi, everyone!
Jaxon, another miiverse poster and programmer, recommend putting some of my explanation into the program itself. I learned a bit more about animation along the way and updated my explanation accordingly. You can see the public key in the screenshot. BTY, can you still download a program if I take it off my cloud folder?
Thanks! Happy animating!
Hello, everyone! I was looking for some help with learning how to animate sprites a couple days ago, but I didn't find anything. I also noticed that there were some other people looking for the same thing. I finally understand the basics of sprite animation. So, I thought I'd write this post to share what I've learned. (Out of space. Continued in post 2)