That ending was amazing. Running to the top of the cave before it collapses with rocks falling, damaging you in the process, big rocks blocking your way, and having to find a secret way out to escape the cave.
Discovered a way to adjust the length and angle of the fire bars.
To do that, you must grab the last flame with the stylus.
Also, the person who posted this game will include tracks( there is a video on the japanese smilebasic wiki)
Most of the gameplay is complete! In this screenshot, only two of six possible enemies are present. Should I add the MetaCube powerup before releasing this, or should it be included in an update?
Wow, I have been digging this Mario Maker-esque game! Can someone tell me how to switch up sprites? I would really love to do that! Also, is there a translated version?
Me making sprites & stuff:
Want me to make 1,337 sprites for blocks/items/terrain? SURE! I can do that!
Want me to make 9,001 fonts for you? All right, I can do that!
Want me to make sprites for NPCs/monsters/humans? …Sorry, can’t help you.
I'm going to start doing pixel dailies. But since i don't always have internet, they'll come every so often. If you have suggestions on things for me to do, comment it!
And POLYGON's Version 1.0 General Options screen is complete! Saving these might come in the future. Next is the last planned feature for this version, the MetaCube powerup!
Say hello to ZOS! Key:[5KS8Q4RS] ZOS is both an amazing OS and a tech demo of what's possible! It can run multiple programs at once - and can turn some ordinary BASIC files into ZBASIC files and run them! 1 demo program currently exists, but for the most part, just program and run! (batteries not included)
ELUDE BETA UPDATE 1.4 (Mod update)
Added CODE in the menu
Added 4 new mods: Codes are 530420, 918641, 182263, and 521969
Fixed glitch when you when as human game doesn't end
Thanks to Raimondz for telling me how to re-sprite games! I have started re-spriting a Mario Skin. I have gotten all of his animations so far, including the level scrolling speed sprites. I can't wait to sprite more!