The RANDOMIZE command is used to initialize a random number series. Most people don't have to worry about this stuff.
What you're probably looking for is the RND command, which takes a number as a parameter and returns a random number between 0 and the number you sent it minus 1.
For example...
MOV = RND(99)
...will asign a random number between 0 and 98 to MOV.
Also, DIM MOV[1] AS INTEGER is invalid code. Are you copying this code from another language?
All you have to do to initialize an array is DIM MOV[1].
Also, you can't have the identifier of an array be the same as another variable which has already been used. It will throw a duplicate variable error.
Line 22 will also throw an error since RND needs a parameter enclosed in parentheses.
Finally, please be aware that Pokémon is a registered copyright, and uploading anything with it is sure to result in a take-down, C&D, and even a permanent publishing ban. Keep your works original, and don't use other's intellectual property without permission.
Okay, first of all: Thank you. A LOT. This is my first real "Project" project, and, with a bit of big bang coding, well, this seemed without an arm and a leg. Secondly, yes, regular BASIC. And thirdly, yes, I do recognize that, and am keeping this as a homage for Pokémon 20, which people are gonna start talking about again closer to december, (Moon, Poppolio), and, honestly, most (cntd.)
of it is just jokes, like, if you try using a potion: "Oops. Looks like I mislabeled that. That's poision. --Aaaaaannnnddd, he's dead." But yeah, if I managed to pull Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver out of this app, THEN we'd have a problem.