Use STICK OUT X,Y to get the axis of the circle pad. Then you must see if they are outside the dead zone.
Example for moving left:
IF X<-0.2 OR (B AND #UP) THEN moveUp
By the way, I'm working on a bullet hell system similar to undertale. Here is the key: KA5D4T3
Also use UP UP DOWN DOWN LEFT RIGH LEFT RIGHT A B while you're playing.
By the way, the key is KA5D4T3. There you could see the data code. Also, the demo is designed to make you lose in few waves, unless you know a famous code
In this pic, a lot of bullet have the same behavior. The only diference are the vector and the starting point. I thought on store this behavior on a label but If I call the data inside that label, then I lose the reference of the label @P_S1_X
The behaviors builder of the bullets hell is ready. However, I think I need another way to define data because its become too large. I will leave a pic bellow about how i handle data
Right now I'm testing what can I do with SmileBasic but I plan to do a roguelike game using the code of undertale bullet hell system to create custom weapons and custom behaviors for enemies.
By the way, What kind of game do you want to do? and What can you do to achieve that objective?
DATA is a way to store values in a queue. Then you can read those values using READ or RESTORE if the data was defined after a label.
DATA is useful if you don't want to hard code everything in your code. For example, I used data on the program I posted bellow to define attack patterns and other stuff.
Also, I don't plan to remake undertale or anything... I'm using this project to create behaviors for bullets and other stuff.
This is the TODO list:
-Delete or hide music "megalovania" and "Enemy Approaching"
-Add option to tell the bullet to go from a point a to point b.
-Add interpolation for variable speed.
-Add homming behavior.
-Add platform gameplay with variable gravity angle.
Just a short demo of the bullet hell system of undertale... I couldn't add more patterns because of lack of time but you could see the data on the last lines of the code.
Ok, I understand. I don't know if you have ideas to connect rooms or avoid overlapping but this guy posted short example about thing he put on his game "Red Rogue"(Thought they are in flash, but the syntax is similar to java). One of them is an algorithm for dungeon generator.
Here is the link if you want to take a look.
I'm not porting undertale. I used the heart from the sprites sheet and the lines was done with Gputchr.
However, I want to make a game about how long can you survive in a bullet hell with the same rules of the game. I think I will use 3 modes: red(free roaming), blue(platform) and something with the stylus.
My MML editor is almost finished. Tempo, channel and other stuff are on the bottom screen.
Also, if you know what song I'm trying to recreate then you...
S H O U L D B E B U R N I N G I N H E L L.