-Mages that throw magic missile at your position. The magic doesn't behave like Kamek's magic(Doesn't transform the blocks)
-A guard that throw his helmet upward.
-Falling blocks(Donut block).
-Moving platforms.
-Falling platforms
-Tracks. You can attach enemies, powerups, coins, and platforms to them.
-The player now slip on the ice.
1-Using a bidimensional array with the same size of the map. Each time you do a bfs, fill that array with 0. Then, mark with 1 the visited cells.
2-Use 2 arrays to store the visited positions.
I think you could treat a bidimensional array(Or the same background) as a graph where each cell is a node and the relations are the adjacents cell.
Then, you can use Breadth-First-Search to display the range of a unit(Movement or attack). You need to store the visited cell though... I think in two methods to do that:
You can create one using spset and a sprite.
If you want to make the functionality, then you need to skip your "update" code from your game cycle. I don't know if you used that in your game but that's how I do that.
By the way, here is a page that explain the concept of "game loop":
Also, don't try to translate that game yet. The author will add other features soon. Here you can see why http://wiki.hosiken.jp/petc3gou/?Toukou%2F%A4%E6%A4%A6%A4%B7%A4%E3%A4%CE%CB%C1%B8%B1EDIT%2B.
Also, If you want to share your mod, then use petitmodem.
PS: I can't share my modification because on petit computer because I don't have a splitter yet D=.
There is a program on smilebasicsource to export files from 3ds to pc via camera but not viceversa and a program uploaded by actorbug on petit computer 3 wiki(japanese) to compress an entire project in a single txt file.
By the way, the point of my game is not recreate undertale. I wanted to create an engine to handle the bullets without doing a lot of code.
I used some elements from the battles in undertale to test my engine but at this point of the development I'm trying to make something different.
Dragonborn, the key posted by 9qN are older version of my bullet hell system. I can share the development project but it's done with lowerdash and another library that I'm developing.
Also, I need to know what you understand about "best practices". If you give me the answer that I've in mind then I can send you the key of the development project.
Yes, you could port the sprites to the next version. However, some of them could be on different position so you need to adjust their position once the upgrade is out.
Jump_edit2 is a project which contains the background images of each stage.
Be careful, the author is still upgrading the game. I saw a video and he will add trampolines and tracks.
For people that are trying to find the key, search on twitter the user uda0826 and use the key for JUMPGAME_EDIT1 and JUMPGAME_EDIT2.
I already edited all the game (including songs, some sound effects and textures) but I won't upload it.
You must edit the files JUMPXD_BG.GRP and JUMPDX_SP.GRP. Use "Th. GRP editor" (It's posted on smilebasicsource) because it's better than the one that comes by default.
Discovered a way to adjust the length and angle of the fire bars.
To do that, you must grab the last flame with the stylus.
Also, the person who posted this game will include tracks( there is a video on the japanese smilebasic wiki)