WOW those look awesome.
i would totally hire you to make sprites for me if i could...
im REALLY, REALLY bad at making sprites.
i was thinking, what Simeon said but instead have an inventory and outlined means its selected.
i had an idea, then i forgot it.
...oh yeah... i was thinking that it would be cool if i put a message in my game in adrish language, like a hidden extra to unlock something..
only if you say i can though.
oh thats actually a good idea...
i went from my enemy folder to my game folder and the hp bar stayed there, maybe that (the weird alter thing) could be some sort of a bomb, or a generator.
with that i could make a bomb minigame, so if my sprite collides with that (it would be a sprite)
then i press a as fast as possible and deactivate them, it will go faster and faster
and if one blows:game over
yeah, lol.
if you have a code that lets your sprite move around, after you load your map you can make it so the bg moves when you move with BGOFS 0,X,Y (only if you wanted to) the number is the layer you will move.
so look at the last thing i said, just do those lines, if you want 2 layers, copy and just put ,L2, or L3, or whatever. like i said, once you get this code, it get a lot easyer to make games.
oh and how is adrish (did i spell that right?) learner going?
i got the first vers you made a while ago...
yeah, still confused about that... im trying to make tile #422 stop the sprite when it hits it, but in order to do that i need pixel (forgot what its called)
so im trying to get as much knowledge in coding as humanly possible before i leave.
im leaving next week, so i have time... wait not really, cause i have tons of other stuff... anyways, so if thee oh so great programers have good tips/things to know, please be thee the barer of fruitful news.
(sorry about that weird style writing)
anyways, so yeah.