I actually crashed SB accidentally using the function thing... Very annoying.
(I also discovered the READ VAR crash by accident, when trying to make a function to read DATA into an array (before I knew about COPY))
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I made a translation of an older version (using google translate), It wasn't great, but at least you could understand *most* of it lol
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No commands start with J either
1そうだね プレイ済み
PRINT "Hey doods!"
PRINT "Bye dooods."
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you could use GPUTCHR to test for the X character
1そうだね プレイ済み
He just stole my name and made it worse
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all the characters are spaces with COLOR RND(16),#TPURPLE
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here's what I saw the first time I encountered the bug

I use PRINT for normal stuff, and ? for debugging. That way I can easily find my debug code to remove it later.
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