SmileBASIC コミュニティプレイ日記Scientist Speedy11012016/11/12 10:28:12Does using ? or PRINT matter?4そうだね 5返信プレイ済み2017/11/04 02:43:33に取得
SmileBASIC コミュニティ返信[1]親投稿Chickens32 Chickens322016/11/12 10:44I think using ? is better because then you don't have to type out PRINT. It also lets you have more characters in your code.2そうだね プレイ済み2017/11/04 02:43:33に取得
SmileBASIC コミュニティ返信[2]親投稿Nathaniel natboy2016/11/12 23:05The cool part about "?" is that it can also be used as a delay. Ex: FOR I=0 TO 30:?:NEXT But this command doesn't lag the system if you put "" behind it. 1そうだね プレイ済み2017/11/04 02:43:33に取得
SmileBASIC コミュニティ返信[3]親投稿12Me23 12Me232016/11/13 10:19I use PRINT for normal stuff, and ? for debugging. That way I can easily find my debug code to remove it later.0そうだね プレイ済み2017/11/04 02:43:33に取得
SmileBASIC コミュニティ返信[4]親投稿SıмΞοп² S1Meon2016/11/13 14:50I like ?, it's simpler, harder to read Makes you look like you know what you're doing lol1そうだね プレイ済み2017/11/04 02:43:33に取得
SmileBASIC コミュニティ返信[5]親投稿Scientist Speedy11012016/11/14 8:04Thanks! I think I'll start using ? from now on.0そうだね プレイ済み2017/11/04 02:43:33に取得